(* BraveNex *) (xr-brave.xm)
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by xerxes / stz 1.8.1996 contact me: klunde_ shrike.depaul.edu ------------- Hei Ronny... Haaper du liker denna... Litt Rednex... Litt Braveheart... ------------- Paa gjensyn! ------------- ------------- XERXES ------------- contact me: klunde_ ------------- Hei Ronny... Haaper du liker Litt Rednex... Litt Braveheart... ------------- Paa gjensyn! -------------
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I liked this a lot, and I don't usually like this type of song; Melodic and ambient. The best part about it is that it actually does something as the song progresses, adds new sounds and musical parts. Actually a very romantic song... It has a hitching start that I didn't really like, but after the synth guitar comes in, it makes everything all better. That, and the end...It sounds like Xerxes didn't bother to work out a good beginning or end after he came up with the song idea. That's just a minor complaint though, the song is great!