Mist (xr-mist.it)
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The Good StuffSummary
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As I was waking up, gathering strength to open my eyelids wide open, a strange blinding white struck my eyes - Instinctively my eyelids were shut down again. It took me a few moments before I was able to open them again, and when I finally did - I wished I hadn't. I could see nothing - nothing at all. It was all so bright, so white - so... blind?! I didn't know where I was standing and wheather I could get out of this place. I tried to reach out my hand and grab something but it was all so full of this thick.. white, yet so empty of anything else. I decided that sitting down would be the best thing to do - for now. But when I bent down and tried to touch the ground beneath me - I felt nothing... Was I actually standing? or was it that I probably was falling for so much time I stopped feeling that? Took me some while to try and retain my senses, but they were all so... vague... like this thick foggy white that was practicly everywhere - at least everywhere I knew of... Eventually I decided to let go, stop trying to fight this thick white fog, I shut my eyes again... started feeling my body again... drifting away... Where would be my destination - wherever the mist would take me...
" M I S T " (c) All rights reserved to X-Rabbit (Moshe Haim) Israel November 2001 violin rain bass power bass1 bass2 bass soft bass dirty bass mute bass hihat bass hard1 bass hard2 snare dirty mute snare dirty snare snare hard dirti hihat piano octave 3 piano octave 4 piano octave 5 piano octave 6 piano octave 7 piano octave 8 soft string guitar soft hihat hit bass (pick) close hihat open hihat
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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