Broken Sun (yoz_bsun.xm)
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Broken Sun By: Yoz A new tune from me. This one is great! It has some really cool effects! Release date: 23/06/99 Duration: 3:23 (C) Yoz By Dr-Mush reverse.cymbal
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When this song starts i can almost directly tell that it will be a danceadventure, with some fast piano for start. Drums soon enters and some acid-morph thingy, and the snares starts and i feel the song will start very soon. Then it stops (ofcourse=) and then the real drums start, very normal in dancetunes. Even though if this song is good it doesnt convince me that much. Well, good samples, everything is well put together. If you like dancetunes you might like this one. Sure, its good, but not that advanced, and it doesnt last that long. But, im not complaining.