Moon Ocean (Intro) (
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Once there were oceans... ....but now there's none. This is the intro. A welcome if you will. So welcome and enjoy what I may offer to your hungrey ears. -Lonnie Taylor aka Xero Contact: Get Music:
Moonlight Sonata Piano SpaceBeep [Enigma] Aqua Choir Waves on the shore Moonlight Sonata Piano SpaceBeep [Enigma] Aqua Choir Waves on the shore :):):):):):):):):):):):): ( MoonLightSonata Style ) _____________________ Greetz go to: -My two cuzins who let me use their piano so I could figure out how I wanted to do this song. -Jessie Dangerously cuz he's got some great tunes and cuz of the inspiration. -Mr.Io cuz I don't wan't to leave him out. He used to do some wicked sh*t. Maybe he still does. -The rest of 902. - Press the shift then- | r e a c h for the F9| -----------------------
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Jeez, this is a wierd song. It's just the intro to this pack of songs ( thru so there's not a whole lot to say about it. Funky. I like the psychadelic flute. And the ocean sounds. It's like an alien love song or something.