Mission I (xt1_2.it)
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Mission I _________ Inspired by recent discoveries and new ways of space exploration. There's lots of patterns I created that I didn't include. Created and Tracked by Xero lonnie_taylor_hotmail.com www.listen.to/xer0smusic
Piano Created by Lonnie Taylor aka Xero Press SHIFT F9 for info _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TEAR Production
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I like the drums. This is a really good energy song. Harmony's pretty decent, though there's one point where it stumbles a bit. Maintains a fast pace all the way thru, gotta like that. I like the drums. The instruments work well together, from the vox down to the chanting voices in the background. I don't know about the tremelo synth though, the beat it follows throws the song out of whack.