xtns_rocked_ninja_commando.it (xtns_rocked_ninja_commando.it)
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_________________________ Rocked Ninja Commando by Xtense _________________________ Entry for scene.pl's 1st music compo, a remix of Ninja Commando's title music (orig. from 8bit computers). _________________________ A bit lame, yes, but hey- it's my first guitar-like module ;) . I've had fun making this little ditty, wonder how it'll make in the compo. _________________________ Distored guitar samples stolen from Peter "Skaven" Hajba. Sorry! The rest is more or less mine ;) . _________________________ Greets: Veeroos, Chafer, AceMan, Shyz, Skuter, Biter, Ninja, KeyG, Morgurth, #top-secret, #ss-ng, PPK, SS-NG.pl. Special thanks go to slaves and Veeroos for bugfinding ;) . _________________________ Let's get drunk and WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ;) _________________________ ctx: xtense_o2.pl xtense_ss-ng.pl www.xtense.glt.pl SampleCredits: Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Xtense Skaven Skaven Skaven Skaven Skaven Skaven Xtense Xtense Xtense
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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