mathematical forms... lab (
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TITLE: mathematical forms in organic structures MADE BY: the lab TIME: 6.26 QUALITY: 8bits PUBLICATION NUMBER: 9 YEAR OF PUBLICATION: 1999 VERSION: 1.0 EXTRA INFO: a bit of this song contains only a very low bass, so computerboxes won't represent the music well. ---== E Q U I P M E N T ==--- SOFTWARE: impulse tracker 2.14 ADDITIONAL SOFTWARE: stomper, orangator and wave editors like cool edit, HARDWARE: pentium 200, soundblaster 16 ---== C O P Y R I G H T ==--- SAMPLZ: feel free to use them. - homemade: recorded with minidisc, made with stomper or orangator, radically changed internetsamplz by using wave editors, recorded from records or cd's - import: from samplepacks on the internet ---== T H A N K S ==--- - jeffrey lim: the tracker-scene wouldn't exist if there weren't people like you. - everyone who made (or tried) to make software for composers. ---== C O N T A C T ==--- HOMEPAGE: E-MAIL: MAILINGLIST: this site will not be updated regularly. if you think this music is interesting (and you've downloaded the rest), you can send an e-mail to me with 'subscribe to the lab mailinglist' as subject. i will then inform you when a new song is released. i will not spam you with messages like: 'new cool pix added' or 'the linkz section is updated!'. you will only take notice of new releases of the lab. ---== O T H E R S I T E S O F T H E L A B ===--- LOZO the alien looks for the best MODZ around. look what he has found at
fx - homemade bbeat - homemade fucked1 - homemade fx - import hit - import synth - import fucked2 - homemade (file) solo1a - import solo1b - import solo1c - import fx2r - homemade fx2l - homemade solo2a - import solo2b - import solo2c - import solo2d - import solo2e - import solo1c rev - import solo1b rev - import solo1a rev - import 202sweep - import 303loop1 - homemade 303loop1 - homemade bbeat rev - homemade bbeat2 rev - homemade synth2 - import voice1a - homemade hit - homemade fucked3a - homemade fucked3b - homemade sweep around - homemade bbeat2 - homemade voice1b - homemade voice1c - homemade bbeat2b rev/rvrb - home mathloop-bass l - home mathloop-bass r - home mathloop-high l - home mathloop-high r - home 1F.WAV
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is once again a piece that goes for too long (6mins 28secs) and is hard to listen to for that time, mainly due to the high pitch noise, and rather irritating noises (all high pitch and somewhat discordant) I can't think of any reason technically that makes the piece smell bad other than the repeditive sounds and music, it can get rather annoying... however i'll leave it up you, it does sound offish though.