Peikkolaulu (z-peikko.xm)
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-ZombaH-----Proudly- ------PrezentZ------ Peikkolaulu _ Ilmari Haapanen 1999 -Finished---26.9.1999- Hmmm.... The author seems to be outta his freakin' mind... =D Tavallisimmissa orgioissa tämä lyyrinen eepos lauletaan useampaan otteeseen putkeen. -Ilmari 'Urg' Haapanen Laulakaapa pojat mukana: "Minä tulen... ...ja syön... ...pienet lapset... ...syön." Samples 01-03 by me. Other samples are fw. The original version (unreleased) was made in last winter, by me. It consisted of patterns 00-02... =D Scraplng.wav Scraper.wav Dune.wav Snar_04d.wav Kick_02k.wav Kyoto.wav Hi_c_09g.wav
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