Sky Scape (tnt_sky.xm)
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Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Sat 29th May 1999, rated 7 / 10.
Sounds like something else which I can't place my finger on. Well cosntructed, the abience is kept alive by occasional high freqeuncy noises which break up the other monotonous bass in the first half. The second half makes a change and manages to go up tempo, without going up tempo, get it? Well it does and sounds good reaching a finale. Nice clean samples, which is very important, especially on those bass sounds and the flanging cymbal noises (which I love BTW). Also some bells, nice. This artist knows how to break up a song as demonstrated by the last half when the bass ambience stops droning on. All over pretty good. After the tune has finished, there is something, not sure wether that is supposed to be there or not but I would remove it.
Sounds like something else which I can't place my finger on. Well cosntructed, the abience is kept alive by occasional high freqeuncy noises which break up the other monotonous bass in the first half. The second half makes a change and manages to go up tempo, without going up tempo, get it? Well it does and sounds good reaching a finale. Nice clean samples, which is very important, especially on those bass sounds and the flanging cymbal noises (which I love BTW). Also some bells, nice. This artist knows how to break up a song as demonstrated by the last half when the bass ambience stops droning on. All over pretty good. After the tune has finished, there is something, not sure wether that is supposed to be there or not but I would remove it.
Internal Texts *
Sky Scape tarantula of primitive (C) 1998 length 6:25 ..very experimental.. from deceit contact: www: HeliChopper /Gus Patch Turbine /unknown Boom /Trauma BassSynth /Trauma Rezoer /Trauma KlingString /Trauma BassGuitar /Trauma Khz-crash /Trauma Gabb /Trauma Hi-Closed /Trauma Hi-Open /Trauma RideCymbal /Trauma Crash /Trauma Tom /Trauma Plong /Unknown BreakBeat /unknown ChurchBell.Stringloop /Necros BLW.Sewer2 /Skaven Praxis HyperSpace Swoo /Skaven DeepPiano /unknown NeoBass /Necros ViolinString /Rage MantisChoir /tarantula Guitar.Sustain1 /Trauma Guitar.Palm1 /Trauma Guitar.Strike1 /Trauma Guitar.Sustain2 /Trauma Guitar.Palm2 /Trauma Guitar.Strike2 /Trauma Guitar.Sustain3 /Trauma Guitar.Palm3 /Trauma Solor.Fret /Trauma Solo.Hi /Trauma Solo.Lo /Trauma Palm.Lo /Trauma Sustain.Hi /Trauma Solo.Med /Trauma Palm.Hi /Trauma Slide /Trauma
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Magnificent. Otherwordly, dark and beautiful. Nice variety of sounds and constant small creative changes.