"My W0nderful Fear$" (wondrful.xm)
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J/M/T/M $h0w$ Y0u "My W0nderful Fear$ " FILE INF0 * * * * $tyle: H0rr0r Break$ Length: 3:30 DOB: 2002.08.20 I $tumble in darkne$$, I feel $0mething $0ft and wet, after a while I Di$c0ver that it$ bl00dy fle$h, I laugh, I $mear the bl00d all 0ver my b0dy and eat the fle$h rapidy, 0nce again I laugh, when I realize Im g0ing crazy I run in panic fr0m 0ne grey area t0 an0ther, $earching f0r a way 0ut 0f thi$ maze 0f madne$$, $uddenly I c0me acr0$$ a lamp m0unted in the wall be$ide me, I pau$e calmed by the w0nder ful light, and I $ee a man dead 0n the fl00r with0ut thinking I b0w d0wn and take a bite 0ut 0f hi$ thr0at I try t0 $t0p, but I $imply have t0 eat him When I realize that Im actually n0t dreaming I rai$e my head t0ward$ the ceiling trying t0 $cream 0ut my fear but all that c0me$ 0ut i$ a dark laughter which make$ me faint int0 n0thingne$$..... When I wake up Im standing in a c0rner apparently waiting f0r $0mething, then I hear it, a per$0n i$ m0ving t0ward$ me, all my mu$cle$ $eem t0 react t0 the $0und like they have a mind 0f their 0wn... And $uddenly I $ee it, a y0ung c0p with a gun, I $mile becau$e I n0w kn0w thi$ night mare i$ 0ver, and I $tart t0 $ay $0mething t0 him when my b0dy m0ve$ fa$ter than I ever imagined p0$$ible t0ward$ the c0p which $ee$ me a $h00t$ me in the head, I fall t0 the fl00r and bef0re I die I realize the h0rrible awful truth: Im a z0mbie. END I think thi$ $0ng ha$ a m0re evil and dark atm0$phere than my 0ther $0ng "Animal Me" but thats 0f c0ur$e IMH0 , heheh! if y0u have any kind 0f c0mment mail me at the_mech_hotmail.com 2OctSine.HM 2OctSine.HM 2OctSine.HM 2OctSine.HM Lowhip1.wav Lowhip1.wav 707_rid.wav 707_rid.wav 707_rid.wav 707_rid.wav Badmf2.smp 707_rid.wav 707_tam.wav Hhoda.wav Hhoda.wav Hhoda.wav Hhoda.wav Hhoda.wav Hhod8.wav Hhoda.wav Hhoda.wav Acsw10.smp
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