tuneofcool2-remix (toc2remi.mod)
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ST-02:yellosound2 ST-02:halltom1 ST-02:mobysnare ST-02:babybassdrum ST-02:chord1 ST-02:chord4 ST-02:chord3 ST-02:chord2 ST-02:animatebass ST-02:34hihat ST-02:crash ORCHHIT ST-02:hit1 mobypiano mobypiano2 mobypiano3 mobypiano ! ST-02:wave
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Musicly, 'Dodgy eighties cop movie.' and that doesn't mean this is another axel-f tune, but that is what srpings to mind. The tune does have musical interest and does actually sound pretty good, if a little corny at times. Starts of with variety and changes but soon starts repeating these variations and becomes ever so slightly repetative. Technicly sound appart from some issues with the volume, I don't know wether this is really just a ModPlug thing with the auto-gain switched one, it is something I try to eliminate when composing MODs myself. What happens is that you are playing 64volume on twelve channels at the same so ModPlug has to reduce the overall gain. Yet, at the beginning when only one channel is playing, the gain is up at max! As such the tune starts loud but suddenly drops in volume when the other channels kick in.