"The dark light" (wp_tdl.xm)
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"The dark light" Mist / wp 98 sorry for the filesize Flanged Pad (Keith303) CosmosisBass1 (Myself - Sampled from Sanyacid by Cosmosis) CosmosisBass2 (Myself - Sampled from Sanyacid by Cosmosis) CosmosisBass3 (Myself - Sampled from Sanyacid by Cosmosis) CosmosisBass4 (Myself - Sampled from Sanyacid by Cosmosis) Shaker (Myself - Sampled from _Access_ by DJMisjah&DJTim) Filtered 909ShortHH (Myself - Edited in Sound Forge) Filtered 909LongHH (Myself - Edited in Sound Forge) Goa Bassdrum (Sybaris) SinerSweep (XReel) Panning:80 SinerSweep (XReel) Panning:40 SinerSweep (XReel) Panning:C0 String and Choir (DAC) Open909HH(Short) (Roland TR909) Open909HH(Long) (Roland TR909) Snare (Roland TR909) Crash Cymbal (Myself - Sampled from _Airwalker_ by ResistanceD) Stomp (Sonic) HardSweep1 (Myself - Rendered in SimSynth) RawBass (Myself - Rendered in SimSynth) Bass1 (Moog MiniMoog) TrinomicSawwave (Matrix Cubed) 606 Closed Hihat (Matrix Cubed) Melodic Tom (Keith303) Snare (Korg) 808 Tambourine (Sybaris) 606 Open Hihat (Sybaris) TrinomicSawwave (Matrix Cubed) MY OWN !!! Fredrik Hansen "the intro" what do you see when by jrb tb303 Grindus Maximus slice
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Excelente composición, felicitaciones al artista, nadie debería perder la oportunidad de escuchar esta melodía... es una pena que no aparezca en los resultados de la busqueda de la página, probé poniendo el nombre del archivo y el nombre de la pista, "no aparece".
Excellent composition, congratulations to the artist, no one should miss the opportunity to hear this tune ... shame not appear in the search results page, I try putting the file name and the name of the track, "notIt appears. "