0011 Byte Isle 11001 (zkf-isle.xm)
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0011 Byte Isle 11001 by da ZkilfinG 1000110 0101110101000110101010 10100010101010101 of 1 Da Head TwingaZ 100100 1010101000101101011001 1010001011010010101010 0101101011000101101001 0110100010000101011011 Made exlusivly for 010 01011011010101101 da 0 Weirdo Compo II 011011 1000101000111010101011 Rule of da month: 0110 ONE instrument 1011101 (not one sample!!!) 10 0101101001010101011101 I've never used the 01 instrument funktion 10 before, and I don't 10 think I'll ever use it 1001001110100110101011 1001011000010010001011 1101001001010101111011 0110001000100101001011 0111010100011010101011 Bytes goes to: 1010011 Divion - WC creator 01 SPiN / dHt 11000100110 Val Haris 110010010010 +rest of dHt 101100111 1000010011110100110101 1001011101001010001011 Ripped as a fucker 101 Traced the String to 0 Skaven 011000110111001 And the acid sounds 01 are from my friend 011 Rave Dave 00010001111 Also from unknown 1001 author of Magic Potion (who never used the 10 sample =) the PanFlute 0111010101001010101010 To send me 1's and 0's use the following: 011 ZkilfinG_Hotmail.com 0 0110001010010111010101 1010001010111010101001 0010111010101010101010 0011101001010101011101 1011101111100010111011 1100111001010101001110 0110100101010101010101 0111010011001010101001 1100110110101010111001 0000110100111100101101 1011011001111101001000 0110101010101010101010 Glory to the ROOM! 100 0011101010010110101010 1010101001011011100101 1111100111110000001100 0111010000101101010101 Guitar 011100110001101 Strings 00011101011110 Kickdrum 0011101101011 Drop 10110101011000100 Cymbal 100111010101010 Bass 10001000100101001 Drum 11001100101001011 Dist. Guitar 100011011 Piano 1001000100101010 Hi-hat 001011101001101 PanFlute 0010100101101 Acid 4 100010010101011 Acid 3 001011010101010 Acid 2 101100101010101 Acid 1 010110110101010 Acid 0 001011010101010
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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