The Max (zrg_themax.xm)
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The Max... This song is not finished... I just couldn't come up with anything that matched the 1st part. J.Nygård aka Zorgman, Zorgy Awsome Piano Tomhi1.pat 66clnfst.smp kick sd4 NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName NoName TLC-hihat TLC-snare Bass-boom Power Drum Popsnare Babybass.255 Hihatop1.286 Rapdrum Rapdrsnr.556 Fletch Snare Fletch Hihat Closed Fletch Hihat Open Egm_hiha.026 NoName NoName NoName SYNTH1 SYTNH2 NoName Awpiano.pia Piano.226
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Well this song was OK... oops! did I say that? I mean it was terrible, no offence, artist. I really hate this track and I don't wanna sound mean... but you will hate this too. Sorry :( Better luck next track. Well so you don't have to download this annoying mod... I will give you an overview of it: It's just a annoying song with a ambient intro, and a annoying piano through the rest of the track. Well the samples are not too bad, but they were used incorrectly. The bass is OK, sort of but overall the song is totally boring! I could have made something like this in 8 minutes! Bad!!! Once again, no offence Zorgman. But atleast you got a cool name... Zorgman!