transambience (transam.s3m)
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Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Thu 9th Nov 2000, rated 7 / 10.
This song begins by building towards the main ambient melody and a fully developed background breakbeat. The melody at times loses its progression and in addition the overuse of volume changes in the breakbeat background of this song becomes annoying. This song also suffers from an abrupt ending. Overall it still maintains an interesting melody and background breakbeat. This tracker demonstrates his ability to produce a semi-professional song with this track. Numerous musical effects are very well tracked into this song. The overuse of repetition, the lack of a progressive melody and an abrupt ending to song as described in the musical rating section of this review seriously diminished the rating of this song. The samples used are semi-professional in quality throughout. Overall despite a clear talent at using various techniques in music theory this artist made some obvious mistakes within this track which lowered its rating.
This song begins by building towards the main ambient melody and a fully developed background breakbeat. The melody at times loses its progression and in addition the overuse of volume changes in the breakbeat background of this song becomes annoying. This song also suffers from an abrupt ending. Overall it still maintains an interesting melody and background breakbeat. This tracker demonstrates his ability to produce a semi-professional song with this track. Numerous musical effects are very well tracked into this song. The overuse of repetition, the lack of a progressive melody and an abrupt ending to song as described in the musical rating section of this review seriously diminished the rating of this song. The samples used are semi-professional in quality throughout. Overall despite a clear talent at using various techniques in music theory this artist made some obvious mistakes within this track which lowered its rating.
Internal Texts *
- DO NOT USE DMP 4.0 - - For timing reasons - Dedicated to MAD 1995 Transambience by Timelord Released on 06/03/95 culpa.snare melodic.pluck whizz.synth forth.friction ping.drum pong.drum enemy.loop strings.noise rezonate.effect minor.generic.1 arrested.gen.1 minor.generic.2 arrested.gen.2 clink.synth Tom.drum.3 friction.bass brass.lead.4 cx-1 cx-2 cx-3 cd-4 cx-5 cx-6 cx-7 effect.strings crash n-drum 2b.bass.clap 2b.bass.hit
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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