A Trip Through Fantasyland (triptfl.s3m)
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A Trip Through Fantasyland Track composed by -+- P a X -+- In september 1996 In my dream I flew over the world, I could go any- where I want, but there was one restriction... and I didn't know what it was. But I was happy for the moment, high in the sky and nothing to worry about. But after a while I dis- covered there was no one but me, up there, and sud- denly I felt lonely and cold... Hot tears burned behind my eyes, and then they came with thousands at a time, pouring down to the earth... My mind and vision were blurred and quite suddenly i felt my skin touching the cold stone ground... A flash, and everything went black..... Greetings go to Aiken and DiPsHiT... And of course everybody out there, in the world, liste- ning to this trip through their fantasyland... Pax. The Netherlands
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