TS Call at a Port (tsport.xm)
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Terranigma (Tenchi Souzou) Call at a Port (SNES) original by Miyoko Kobayashi and Masanori Hikichi This XM by Mika Heiska aka Kilu kilu_mah_hotmail.com www.geocities.com/kilu_mah feedback and stuff would be nice... This is good. Nothing else really to say. Well, actually this is awsome :D On another note... This might be my last release for some time, cuz my civil service starts in less then couple weeks. I cannot be sure how often I'm going to be home, and how much will I track. The fact, that I have almost 30 files to be released does change things though. I might be able to release some of those tracks, even if I dont have the time to make any new ones. As you propably might have noticed, usually there is no date in my files. The reason is, that I rarely release them in the same order I make them. And sometimes, even if I have thought that file was ready, I might change it even after that. So dont even mind the "last date modified" tag, it might not tell the truth. Another thing... I'm thinking that I might turn some of these tracks to mp3, to get a larger crowd for my work. And this COULD be the first one. The song is the same, but some people loathe modules, so that's why I might do that. Still need to find a place to put them. Like mp3.com or something. Also, if I never release a music disk, this is going to be the "single" release from it. Since I was planning to do a music disk, but it turned out that I currently don't have the time release it. Well, that's it, for now... Samples: Piano from TmX. Clean Steel Guitar from Cadaver. Rest from Claymore. Thanks. Other usual greets and thanks. www.rpgamers.net www.rpgamer.com www.ower.de www.metalscene.org www.zophar.net www.modarchive.com im outta here...
Orchestral Oboe French Horns ` Acustic Clean Guitar Flute KR5 Piano 3 Clean Guitar Trumpet 2 Terranigma Port Music by Mika Heiska aka Kilu kilu_mah_hotmail.com www.geocities.com/ kilu_mah more info available for users of MPP or XMPlay. Winamp users, sorry, but you suck :D :D Orchestral Oboe by Claymore www.i.am\claymore A#1 D2 F#2 A#2 D3 F#3 A#3 D4 F#4 A#4 D5 Acustic Clean Guitar source www.i.am/claymore ACG ACG ACG ACG Flue.wav Bright Trumpet by Claymore www.i.am.claymore coustic Grand Piano Clean1.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav A12211.wav A1222.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav Clean1.wav as2s-1trp d4-3trp e4-2trp fs4-2trp as4-4trp c5-4trp e5-5trp g5-3trp untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled untitled
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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