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Blue no more (blu_no_m.it)

Info Summary

  • blu_no_m.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.53MB in size and has been downloaded 1098 times since Thu 23rd Mar 2006 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 64602
  • Downloads: 1098
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 8563019da423db23b0b7e2e1845e0829
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 31
  • Uncompressed Size: 1.53MB
  • Genre: Pop - Synth

License License

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  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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Info Internal Texts *

              ARE YOU BLUE?

    ----------            -------
su mat tinh yeu,   - The loss of love,
su mat kinh trong, - The loss of respect,
su mat hy vong,    - The loss of hope.
co nhung dieu nay, - These are the things,
lam toi thay buon. - that make me feel blue.

*note - 4 or 5 different vocals involved.

1 - How do ya feel out there?
2 - I'm still blue!
3 - Get some advice!
2 - Who can I turn to?
4 - Family and friends can help you out.
4 - Coz that's what love is all about!
5 - Dancing is what you should do!
4 - Don't ask why, give it a try!

2 - I'M NO MORE BLUE !!!!


1 - How do ya feel out there?
2 - I'm no more blue!         ^ ^
3 - Con buon khong?            V
2 - Toi het buon!             \_/

This song is dedicated to my mother and all
other people who are feeling blue or who were
feeling blue. Get better, get well, feel happy
and have a nice day!
For more song info. refer to notes in sample
and instruments section.

If ya have any comments on my music email me
at romans589_hotmail.com and if you like to
check some of my other songs, look for
"THE PSALMIST" in the artist directory at
WWW.MODARCHIVE.COM.            wwwwwww
SEEYA and many thanx           w ^ ^ w
to those who inspired me.     (| - o |)
My next track to work on       |  V  |
maybe about a few months       | ___ |
from now.                      | \_/ |

Greetings to:
* All fellow trackers
* All fellow music/track
* And in general all who
  have inspired me to
  write this track.

This song was written so
that the listener would
take become more positive
and less worrying when
ever they feel blue or
let down or sad.
So hope you feel better
after listening to this
song ^_^

Note: the song has sound
effects with Vietnamese
vocals in the song intro.
and song conlusion. See
if you can pick them out
make any sense of it. ^_^

Most samples are ripped
from songs from other
artists. Some samples are
mine and most of the
"VOCAL" samples are mine.

Also, I tried to keep the
repetition in this song
at a minimum here.
HOWFEEL.WAV   - ripped
VISB.WAV      - my sample

VINMB.WAV     - my sample
If you like this song

me at www.traxinspace.com
Any comments, you can
email at:

Have a nice day and try
not to be blue! ^_^

VGSA.WAV      - my sample
VWCITT.WAV    - my sample
31 active channels max.
46 samples in use

VSMTY.WAV     - my sample
VSMKT.WAV     - my sample
VSMHV.WAV     - my sample
VCNDN.WAV     - my sample
VLTTB.WAV     - my sample
VFAFSHUO.WAV  - my sample
VCTWLIAA.WAV  - my sample
VDIWUSD.WAV   - my sample
VDAWJG~1.WAV  - my sample
VTHB.WAV      - my sample
clap          - ripped

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
