Mindless (ir_mindless.it)
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(((?? *^^* M I N D L E S S *^^* ??))) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | by icerain 2006 May 11 | ---- Samples are from too many sources to | remember and I thank these people for the ---- use of their samples. I have left all samples | in their original filename. There are a few ---- samples I used that I ripped from Lizardkings | chaos4.xm song. Thank you Lizardking. | Also I would like to thank him for inspiration. | --------------------------------------------------- This song is what it is...mindless...just some | mindless shit I threw together ... just to see | what it would taste like and it tastes all right | perhaps it needs a little seasoning... but hey | it took 2 days and the panning kind of sucks, | I am not good at panning....I need some help with | that... so if you got some pointers for me, please| email me --> icerain07_aol.com | --------------------------------------------------- http://members.aol.com/icerain07 | --------------------------------------------------- PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE PEACE | -------------------------------------------------------> <-------------------------------------------------------
------------------------ bass101 coolbuzzbass flutis2 SY35.Saw.Short.with.Echo mellow_strng panflute aciddrumlo bassdrumL cadra.rb909.cc/enhance kosovosidekik hiHatACid2 lizardking2
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Like the author says, just a simple track thrown together over a couple of days. Listenable but bland.