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-=[SoF]MrGamer=- -^ Andreas Rohdin ^- Playtime : 4. 30 Half Saw Bass DanceSnare HiClos7 GoodChrash CMaj CMin PulseCurve PulseCurve Quire11 RumbledBass15 CoolSynth CoolBass Chord Lead2 Noise VibratedSynth Flute24 MS20 Brass 0 This tune has a policy You don't need many channels to make good music, It just helps. Also, you don't need large high Quality samples to make quality music! E-Mail : Mr_Gamer_HotMail.Com ICQ : 15854945 Pretty Darn Cool.. PulseCurve dur moll Dansand3.wav Snare11.Xi HiClos7.Xi Quire11.xi Lbass15.xi odd42.xi Bas6.wav Ft2.exe Odd43.Xi Flute24.xi MS20 Brass
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