Fractal Disco (
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Internal Texts * "Fractal Disco" V4.0 (confutatis) mpt: stereo seperation 50% optimized for xmplay2.18 iregular music & liquid funk for my one and only album "local sense technology" (c) space time zero
fem ah drive2 desch hat bassdr synth aaaaoooofade histr arabic str aliena boesch disch1 revin lithcorus viola tscheh sq-ld05 trash fractal_surrounding fractalis-robo fractalis-wisper movie strike industry thunder oopener disch holst chorus klang-snare klang-shortbass disco-new environment hisaishi eguit chorbass houuseee rev !fd1 !fd2 !fd3 !fd4 !fd5 !hey !hey2 !hey3 !hey4 !hey5 !md1 !md2 !md3 !move_it !welcome1 !welcome2 !welcome3 !welcome4 !yeah disco_of_light shpad mathematics analysis revhi Pad-deep frog Bass tesch ES-trance_orbit-C1 floating drifting traveling diary_disch ISC_deep JNH_pad teel_pad karate_fin_s hilo_pad das_ich_mid das_ich_deep grooving we_are dramin reverse Sound001.wav Untitled.sam 9sx00002.wav 9rx00006.wav 9mx00005.wav 9qx00012.wav 9qx00010.wav 2hc00263.wav 1vl8c076.wav 1gh8a010.wav roxin Tronic FX Timb+Bassdrum X5DR 707-pack Revtimb X5DR Mel_d3.wav Mel_g3.wav tscheh sqld05 Distorted Gu SH-101 Bass5 Timb+Bassdrum X5DR
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Artist's Comments
IRRELEVANT: Too weak for Essential Eftos, is replaced by Childbed depression
Iregular music, liquid funk.
It could be classified as house, but is way abrasive due to relatively unstate time frames used.
Eftos - eftos