Golasso (golasso.it)
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Golasso By: SkyOwl
hihatreversed cymbal crescendo cymbal rise cymbal6 cymbal3 cymbal2 cymbal1 Gong SQUAR68 skaven ooo bass sweep pad pauk Snare1 hihat pauk2 heavypauk Bassdrum.011 Snare6 Going_Distortion wild-guitar digalog bass zane CD tjak Fretless Holy Night Pad FLUTE Synreed.001 hihatreversed cymbal crescendo cymbal rise cymbal6 cymbal3 cymbal2 cymbal1 Gong squar68 skaven ooo bass Sweep Pad ntitled ntitled Bassdrum DISTORTION GUITAR 220_BST1 Dance Synth 6 . VamPire FATE . dd FRETLESS BASS Holy Night Pad Flute MainLeadInstrument
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