No Traces (notraces.xm)
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++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ | |N | N o T r a c e s |o | | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |T | |r | by icerain (n.reno) |a | |c | 2006 |e | |s | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | |b | length = 4:07 |y | | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |i | |c | Player Info |e | This mod sounds best in |r | Mod Plug Player. XMplay |a | player does not allow |i | sample inst. #12 to be |n | heard for some reason | | for which I can't figure |2 | out. Maybe if I played |0 | around with it longer, I |0 | could resolve this. But, |6 | right now I have no | | patients or time and I | | have become too frustated| | to screw around with XM | | play player. | | I have not tried to play | | this mod in other | | players. | | | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | | | Samples | | samples # 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 | | 12, and 13 are by me. | | rip them, use them, just | | give me credit. | | All other samples were | | emailed to me by friends | | except sample # 9 which | | I ripped from a mod by | | xerxes. Thank you xerxes!| | Credits to the authors of| | samples I have used in | | this mod. | | | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | HELLO | | to all artists on TMA. | | to all my friends and | | family. | | | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | E M A I L | | | | | | | | U R L s | | | |(free screensavers and | | jigsaw puzzles} | || | /icerain | |(my mods on TMA) | | | | icerain07 | |(IceRain TrAx, my mod | | site) | | | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | Misc Info | | The original title of | | this song was No Traces | | of Love. It sounded corny| | and whiney, so I changed | | it. Yes, I wrote this on | | the eve of a breakup of | | a 17 year relationship. | | Like most humans, I felt | | sorry for myself, moped | | around alot and realized | | that it is OVER. Whos | | fault? Both of us. | | Life goes on for me now. | | No grudges, no hate. I | | feel nothing. | | | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | Started: 5/16/06 | | finished: 9/5/06 | | Tacoma, WA USA | | | | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | i c e r a i n
DEEPbasdrm1 ir_fattDRM11 ir_plukTremr1x3x1 SnareLoud1x1 ir_pluck4xtrmr2x1 ir_toJuly29B1 snare1 No Traces xerxes4b9 ir_harmonica1a1 by icerain ir_sawsyn3ab1 KOOLnoise1 VbassGT1x1 DEEPbasdrm.wav ir_fattDRM1.wav ir_plukTremr1x3 SnareLoud1x1.wav ir_pluck4xtrmr2 ir_toJuly29B.wav snare.wav No Traces xerxes4b ir_harmonica1a.wav by icerain ir_sawsyn3ab KOOLnoise.wav VbassGT1x1
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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