L (l_l_l.it)
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L - Alex Smith ---------- Last worked on: 15th Feb 2002 Released: 2nd Dec 2006 Wow, Impulse Tracker really doesn't like working in Windows XP does it? I am running it in VDMsound but still takes serveral dozen attempts to reinitialise the sound card. Fun! Anyway... It's been ages since I've used Impulse Tracker, nearly 3 and a half years since I used it properly. I'm suprised I can remember the key combinations. I guess if you do something for long enough you never really forget how to do it - like riding a bike. I hadn't ridden a bike for years then tried again and fell off instantly so that's probably not a very good example. And I've gone off on 2 tangents straight away before really saying anything. Fantastic, no change there. This is the first of several old Impulse Tracker tunes I've made over the years that I never released. There was no real reason for not releasing them, I just didn't get around to it (or forgot, or something). There's certainly nothing really wrong with them. Having said that, this particular tune starts, doesn't really seem to go anywhere for a few minutes, then ends. Brilliant. Story of my life! This one must have been around the time I stopped even trying to come up with good names for the music. I just pressed a random key and just thought "there, that'll do". I think this must be a record for me, holding on to a tune for nearly 5 years before doing anything about it. And back when I released the original Deeper Shores I thought that 4 months was a long time to hold on to a tune. And after all that I really don't have anything much else to say about the tune itself. It's a bit samey and doesn't break any boundries, but still has a nice warm fuzzy feeling about it.... Where I have heard that before? I'm bored now so I'll stop. The contact details are the same as they were last time: Email: smiff_btinternet.com Webpg: http://www.btinternet.com/~smiff/ If you're reading this far in the future, and the BT addresses don't work anyway but you still want to complain to me, just look me up on the Modarchive. As of now I will no longer end my comments with the word "FIN"... "BYE"
L - Alex Smith ---------- Please see the comments for what is basically an essay about nothing. Thanks. F_BASS.WAV FULLKI~1.WAV L FULLKI~1.WAV R Synth Halo Zonar Clap Hat Click Click 2 Click 3 LITESA~1.WAV LAUNCH~1.WAV 140DOI~1.WAV HAT09.WAV MJBRK3~1.WAV SHORTS~1.WAV ------------------------- L - Alex Smith ---------- All samples apart from the marked ones are from Louk (as far as I can remember anyway, it has been nearly 5 years). I think this tune uses those MMX filter things so make sure those are turned on if you can. Modplug is the best player of this outside Impulse Tracker I reckon. But then again, who am I to tell you what you can and can't use to listen to the music that you download? Certainly no-one, that's who and no mistake! -------------------------
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