MegaMan V Charge Man (mm5_chargeman.xm)
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Can it be? A ~98% NON-WILY STAGE music?! You must be kidding, right? Not. I've wanted to cover a Robot Master's stage music, and since I also wanted to cover one from Mega Man 5, this was a logical choice. I'm fairly pleased with how I was able to get certain patterns to loop and make it sound longer than it looks. As usual, credit for the noise sample goes out to the NESMusa author. I stole it from one of his converted dumps, and have been using it ever since. What's next? Well, I'm thinking about either fixing some of my earlier covers, or starting on Gravity Man's stage.
Mega Man 5 Charge Man Stage Originally Composed by Mari XM Conversion and Samples by Tiberious Mega Man 5 Charge Man Stage Originally Composed by Mari XM Conversion and Samples by Tiberious
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