Jungle fever (k_jungle.xm)
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New songs at: www.djkika.times.lv " jungle fever " Dj KiKa (c) Riga, Latvija 03.2001 Time : 05:00 Date: 15.03.2001 Dj KiKa
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Decent, but maybe not the most engaging song I've heard. This is a very atmospheric song, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it pure ambience. The song goes just about how you might expect with a title of "Jungle Fever," lots of evocative samples that sounds like a jungle soundtrack. There isn't much of a melody, but what melody there is is played on a panflute-type instrument.
All-in-all, decent song. Samples are reasonably good quality, it's well-constructed, and if the goal was to sound like a jungle tune, it achieved it.