The Waterfalls of Sin (wf_sin.s3m)
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[-SAMPLE-] [-SOURCE-] Okta_bass [Ensoniq] lowstring [MineSamp] hi.strings [Gravis] vocal.hi [Gravis] sn [MineSamp] bd [MineSamp] Bass.Drum.soft [?] hh.opensmall [MineMade] Mystic [Ensoniq] kordz.minor [PM] bigkong [MineSamp] spark.hit.big [Harry] poppy [MineSamp] teenysn-left [MineSamp] synbass1.raw [MineMix] synbass2.raw [MineMix] synbass3.raw [MineMix] faze1 [?] faze2 [?] faze3 [?] gen.sawlead [MineMade] [MineSamp] ensoniq.lead01 [MineMix] crash.looped [MineSamp] ride.Cymbal [?] [MineSamp] _________________________ The Waterfalls of Sin (C) Delta X / NOISE Approx. length: 6:05 min. _________________________ (aka. Humankind II) Here's a quite experimental tune i have been working on for a while. It was started as a soundtrack for a demo, but the project didn't work as planned... so i decided to release it as an individual piece. It's actually more like lots of different ideas packed up in one module.. I ran out of inspiration at several places, and i think it's obvious when you listen to some parts closely. :( _________________________ Parts of this sound a lot like Humankind (ie. the intro section) Descent players might recognize the acid lead near the end, as closely resembling a theme from D1... (= I decided to leave it this way, since it fit in so well. _________________________ _ ___ ___ ___ / \/ / / / /__ /_ / / /__/ / ___/ /___ ___END_OF_TRANSMISSION___
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