darwin-arawn_shakta_aine.xm (darwin-arawn_shakta_aine.xm)
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by Darwin Goa Trax #3: Arawn Shakta Aine 11 Lu∙nastl 3869 (11 August 1998) 10'15" samp 10h from Slice's "Astronomic Trax" Stomper 808's make good analogue bass! greets/respects to: Achilles, Ad/NOiSE, Johan Alpmar, ARF! Studios, Ballistique, Blackhole, Brouil/ Legion, Cubic & $een, DAC, Dave C., Doc. Barnhart, Raymond D., Echo, Force 10, Frank/Riot, Genosha, Ganja Man/ LOK, Lift/ DT, Lisa, Heatseeker, Henrik/MM, Hideo, Kirstin, Knuddel/BMP, Kosmic, Josh B., Josh R., Legend/ Kosmic, Dustin, Level-D, Byorn Lynne, Mad Max/Dementia, Major Bludd, Master Zap, MAZ, Mentat, Andy, Mopz, Morphine & Neophite/RBi, Nightbeat, Nighthawk, Nimbus, Nsite, Phoenix, Pinku/NOiSE, P-Tec, Radical Rhythms, Sean, Shaun, Slice, Smash/NOiSE, Soundwave, Starbreeze, Solaris/ NG, Stereoman/NOiSE, Peter Strom, theHacker, Tonyx, Tripcrew, Twisted MC, Skaven, Ultrabeat, United Trackers, Vlado & Kiko, Voltan/TLP, Will Be, Ray W. darwin_hipplanet.com nwinfo.net/~darwin/ Bass1.wav Clear clap Hh9hhat1.wav Metallic.wav Juno 106 FilterSweep A.M.A.S. FUTURE VISIO
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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