Giblets on Fire (
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Guitar Rotors Guitar Power Chord Finger Bass Snare Kick Hihat Piano Cymbal Guitar Single Tom Tuba By Pipperreck J. Malt 2007 If you like my song called "Brainpan," then you could quite possibly like "Giblets on Fire." If you don't like Brainpan, the doctor is just around the corner. It's ok if you don't like my songs. I guess.
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Fine. Hard Rock is not my favourite sort of music, but this song is easy to listen. Fantastic "bubbling" guitars especially at begin (ty ty tyt tyyyyy - i mean that third "tyt" is fine if anyone knows what i am talking about :] ). Good samples, but a little repeative patterns. Good "chinese" piano interlude at 1:18 and 1:50 (with saxophone?). Slightly before 1:18 sudden quietening - bad choise. I think instruments don't change their expression and dynamics by your special work.