MIDNIGHT (midnight-1609.it)
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Nominated by the crew for either outstanding quality, technique or creativity (or combination of) on 2nd Feb 2007
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How'd all. I kind of have a `get started but can't get finished' syndrome, but finally I put a few finishing touches on this song. I started around Augest, '96 and just kind of picked at it ever since. I actually would like to write a couple of good mods with electric guitar, but who knows when I'd get around to that. . . Hope you like it, and thanks to all the people who know how to make samples, 'cause I don't have a freaking clue. Later.
strings 1 strings 2 piano bass orchestra violins cello bells 1 bells 2 french horn low string cymbal roll double Bass double Bass (synth) timpani space1 boom tremor chimes trumpet crash cymbal hall Tom Snare _________________________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Midnight" << March 13, 1997 >> Composed by Craig Whynot (yes, that's a real last name) Made with IMPULSE TRACKER * thanks to everyone who makes samples - how the hell do you make samples, anyway? e-mail me at _________________________ cmwhynot_ns.sympatico.ca ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ please distribute this mod if you think it's any good. later. ----------> shift+f9 -> Calgary is #1 <- _________________ go for the Flames ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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