This Love (
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---------------- Lem The Lord ---------------- "THIS LOVE" by Marron5 (WIP) Feb 06th 2007 I used to do songs (try) years ago on the Amiga 1200 with Octamed but didn't understand it much, i didn't use any effects apart from volume slide, so you can imagine, songs were pretty grim. I just relied on timing, so if i couldn't do a song, i'd bin it, and try another one, and then i got on the internet, and started to look for a tracker, and i found Modplug. I don't know if it is the best or not but i'm getting more used to it now so if anyone has any tips or tricks or anything to make the songs better, please let me know because my knowledge is pretty limited (E-mail is at the bottom), i don't think my timing is that bad though. This is my first proper go at a tune where i have stayed on the tracker for a good 5 hours solid. I have done others but didn't think that they were good enough to show anyone, so before i finish it, i would like a bit of constructive criticism as to whether its crap, or worth continuing. If anyone likes this bit of a tune there are a few others in the pipe line, like "A-HA Take On Me and "Axel-F", i know Axel-F is probably one of the most common tunes to try, but i thought i would give it a shot, so stay tuned in the not too distant future. Also i have a lot of samples, and a lot of them, i don't know where i got them from (some i got from, so if i have used anyone's samples (i apologize up front if i have), please send your name so i can credit you, or can replace them with other samples. Do People still read all this stuff? Please get in touch and tell me what you think (thanks in advance).
Piano 03 Black Beauty Snare 01 Bass Drum 01 707 OH E Closed Hi-Hat 01 E Open Hi-Hat 05
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