Mini Imp (improvisations) (mini_imp_improvisations.s3m)
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drumriffA invite you to a place whe fun and friendship are th Piano Minor+2 Splash HatBdrum FingerBass.GP.Bass tracking songs the day BRDUM1.PCM SNARE5.PCM Gmin7+9 | Cmin7/G - Cdi BH.Tambourine.44.Drum Dan.Tom.Drum Steel1 CoolHat your name on them. It ju AGAIN.PCM your suits and Super Soakers (muahahah...) - enough food to stuff yourself silly - compos for those interested: - music - the ol' gallon o' mil - glass of jagermeister contest (just kidding - swimming - name that MOD (oldies from your favorite composers.. mainly necros. <duck>) - Battle Arena TohShinD _________________________ Well, I hope to see as ma of you there as those who recieve this special invitation tune. For thos who have it's a remix of necros' "Improvisations" MOD from 93, which is much better. Really, we're planning on this edition of MiniImp t to be a great deal of fun so be sure to stop by. For more info, see the intro. ;) -Siren _________________________
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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