oO Tim's Space Guitar Oo (tims_space_guitar.s3m)
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oO Tim's Space Guitar Oo / pre viously o-39244.s3m // // by John Paul Fiket / | aka The Pope /\\/ \_/ of Papal Products P3 the Immortal Syndicate and Mistigris on May 20th, 1995 for MC 3 use CapaMod 2.22+ with a Gravis UltraSound (Max) Greetings: o Tim / SpaceBalls . : your guitar samples : made this possible. o Fuzz / TRSI . : likewise, thanks for : an awesome electric : bass and synth chord : samples. o Fishboy / iS . : when making this mod : for a 256K GUS, I : tried replacing your : fatkick sample with : something smaller. : : the sound died. o Mellow-D / ex-Sonic . : how do you do it? : that's what I want to : know! I think I am : coming closer and : then I listen to : old modules and : there is still no : comparison. o Zodiak / Cascada . : you're a reference : standard all to your- : self on the demomusic : scence. when I can : do what you did for : "Holistic", I will be : a very happy module : musician. Want to swap samples, mods tools, and _informatIon_ over the internet with me? Write: h3140017_bcit.bc.ca or: i1140002_bcit.bc.ca If no response (above): a12323_mindlink.bc.ca Regarding the quality (or lack thereof) of this mod and my other releases, I am still in the infancy of learning what is possible with this media, so give some maturation time. Believe it or not, this (as of 95/05/21) is one of my better sounding modules (ouch) due to a foray into editing out sample clicks, and improving loop points. When I feel I can go no further with the S3M format, I'll make the leap to XMs or whatever is the most powerful at that time but until then, I'll try to get as much as possible from this format. After all, if I wanted QUALITY, I'd just _RECORD_ it.
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