M'r-Vel (mr-vel.s3m)
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Synth: Brasens Brass Chord: Minor Brass Chord: Suspended 4th Brass Chord: Major Synth: Grand Piano Synth: Low Piano Percussion: Clap Percussion: Open Hi-Hat 1 Percussion: Open Hi-Hat 4 Percussion: Bass Drum Percussion: Snare Drum Synth: Korg Synth 1 SonixLead - (Purple Motion) Instruments from replay Tunekokeilu by Marvel --------------------------- early '95 marvel_pcb.mpoli.fi ┌──────┬──────────────────┐ │NoTeZ:│Well, this one was│ ├──────┘really intended to│ │be watched with something│ │since I made it while I │ │was watching Tran's demo │ │"Ambience" - Maybe that's│ │how YOU should listen to │ │it!┌─────────────────────┘ └───┘┌────────────────────┐ ┌────┘──Bobby/MaZ, TEG/MaZ│ │Greetz:│Mayhem/MaZ,DS/MaZ│ │───────Atlantic/MaZ │ │Porus/MaZ,Anyone else/MaZ│ │Kodex.Mode/AMBi - Hey │ │JCH/Vibrants - Long time │ │ no talk │ │CBA/Success PC - Still on│ │ your 64?│ │Ron/DÆRK - What's your │ └──────────┐alias anywayz?│ ┌─────────┐└──────────────┘ │Contact: └───────────────┐ │─────────────────────────│ │replay_sizone.pci.on.ca │ └─────────────────────────┘ LεεcHεd From: The NEW World -------------)(905)893-0420 -------------)Mazurka WHQ -------------)2 Nodes _28.8 MAZ/FEB-11-95
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