Give me Vivarin! (yes_you=) (give_me_vivarin.s3m)
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lead 101 Kick EchoSnare.3 C-Hihat ShortSynth.1 Frightbass cymcrash - lviathan GraveDigger [Hornet] I should have taken Vivarin sixteen hours ago. :) Instead, I've consumed nearly a six-pack of Mountain Dew since Friday. "I actualy convinced myself that I'm awake." - PeriSoft Basic Tracking: 3am-6am NAID_Sunday The above includes ripping all of the samples from a bunch of S3M's that didn't want to load right. This is also my first tune composed on someone else's computer AND a gus. :) So, phear it, I guess. There's no words to describe the emotions surrounding this event.
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