Autumn Fire (autumn_fire.s3m)
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- Autumn Fire - my first release for eden (as music coordinator :)). Hope you all enjoy it. If not... eh. :) BTW-I couldnt think of a name so i played it for an admirer and she gave it the name. Whether if fits or not is up to you! greeting to the following earthly creatures: everyone at Eden: Dal', Tth(of course), all the lit bums, :). everyone at Epi: BM,Psi,Floody. NĂ©ro, Mf. everyone that i WILL MEET (again) on IRC:bh,levi,khy, cb,etc. #if you liked this (and i hope you did), then go ahead and contact me at the following#: synthetic amusement! bass world headquarters eden eastern headquarters epinicion music distro alliance affilliate??? member of syndicatenet art/demo/music out the ass 410.795.8526 (yes, this is a lousy plug) :) dedicated to Siddhattha Gautama
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