MoReL's Gr00vE (morelsgr.s3m)
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------- __ --------------- /__| -------.---.-----/- -------|-FcR-|---/--- --------^---^---/---- --------------/---- --------------- --------- _________________________ TECHNICS , , , ... -------- * -0- -0- -0-*** _________________________ V V [-FAC7oR 6-] _pRESEN7s_ :> M0REL'S GR00VE <: [by m0REL's gR00VEs PT] samples 1,2,3,4,30&31 by me, other by Caitiff-THX! -h0Pe yA LiKe iT!- gREETiNx 2 cHRYSAG0n cAITIFf hIPP0 c0MPANy tULEBy dR0n eYe bELL sCHIVa pIRATe tENDENCe+ zIL0g MGSak tRIT0l pAVEL WWW oMEGa 8BC pAEGAs sIGGy rYu mUf vENT0r rh aLIEn sAMPl nIGHt w0Lf jAY tEE bRIEF0n z00L00k jAAn dC PAk mIc g0DSENd ljk [-and many others-] rELEASEd on 29-Jan-1998 uSINg fASt tRACKEr 2.08, iMPuLSe tRACKEr 2.14, sCREAm tRACKEr 3.21 and g0LdwAVe 3.0 f0r sHItd0Ze ya kan play this in any player which has an S3M support, e.g. CUBIC 1.7 or HIPPOPLAYER's PS3M I don't recommned older player's versions...:-( ------- --- -- - - - enjoy this and wait for the next module by FaCtOr 6 oF e.S.A. and remember... SpEccY rULEz f0REVEr! - - - -- --- -------
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