Faerie's Hell (faeries_hell.s3m)
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Faeries' Hell ---/\/\r. Fix-it----------- Greetz to: The \/\/yzaerd: Yah, maybe you helped a LITTLE, but only with the ending! :> <Blackwolf>: If you boot me out of spite again I'm telling Rod! Darth: Sorry I ripped off all of your samples... Well, to give credit to certain parties: Darth: All the samples in this but one are yours, sorry I stole 'em... hope you understand. The \/\/yzaerd: Thank you for your help on the ending, however stupid it may sound anyways. :) Yay and stuff, my first semi-decent song. I'm so excited. Yayness. Released for Epi's Musicdisk.... thanks and stuff to psibelius for letting me in! I love your music! (I'm a little suck- up! Short and stout! :>) Email and stuff and crud and stuff:: Mr.fix-it_index.com Or... you could use this other address.....:: Michael.gaare_index.com Aaaahhh yeesss... and I did waste my time making up a storyline for this... :> HERE!!!---> (alt-V to view) /\ /\ |~~ / \ / \ | / \ / \ | / \/ \ | . Fix-it!!
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