Yammah's Confusion (yammahs_confusion.s3m)
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Hihat (Kefrens.Tune.1) Bass drum (Kefrens.Tune.1) Snaredrum (Kefrens.Tune.1) Bass pluck (Insideout) Horn (Forgotten CrashCymbal Past) Combo piano (mine! Wow! :)) ╓ Those same ╖ ║ old SaWsYnTh ║ ║ ChOrDs that ║ ║ I use in ║ ║ more or less ║ ╙ EVERY tune :) ╜ Heavy Bass (KefMania-Theme) Hoot (Beyond Music) SawSynth (Space Debris) Square lead (Drift) ═══════════════════════════ ╓ ╖ ╖ ╖ ╙╥╜╓╖╥╥╖╥╥╖╓╖╟╖~╓╖ ║ ╓╢║║║║║║╓╢║║ ╙╖ ╨ ╙╜╜ ╜╜ ╜╙╜╜╜ ╙╜ ╓─╖╓╖╥╖╓╖╖╖╓╖╥╓╖╥╖ ║ ║║║║╟ ║║╙╖║║║║║ ~~~~║~~╙╜╜╜╜~╙╨╙╜╜╙╜╜╜~~~~~ by╙─╜ Liam the lemming ___________________________ S!P/Bass/moz[IC]art ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Another track which started off on my horrible, tacky, dying-of-old-age FM-voice keyboard. Ergh. I'm happy to say this song is a HUGE improvement (well it damn well OUGHTA be) on the original. I think my first attempt to do this was in Tran's Composer 669, but I don't recall it being as good as this. Oh well. This one's a bit of an oddity in that those ol' SaWsYnTh ChOrDs :) actually go some way to playing a vital role in the song rather than just to fill a void. They come in bursts, they slide up and down, they still take up about 15k each. But who cares! ;) Greets to: S!P Bass Productions moz[IC]art the Hornet dudes FM (esp. Necrös) Valhalla (esp. H0llywood) KFMF (esp. Leviathan) #trax loonies :) Renaissance Triton Capacala (esp. Perisoft) Straylight (esp. Siren) fwiends_livjm.ac.uk :) «ma famille» :) cos they give me feedback =) Phear structured greets. :) You want me to classify this tune? Okay then...it's ┌───┐ │POP│ :) └───┘ Bye for now... (Marauder! Look! I've made a mod with less than 99 lines of sampletext! ;) ) ________________ Liam the lemming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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