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bass poppy koto things at the present.) analogstring analog whoopie short bassdrum trclap woodblock reverse cymbal Nugget small Bass Drum 18-HIHAT1 tbbass1.ajg (no header) forward cymbal More properly titled: Noodlings in F-minor... :) by The Finn / VLA Finished on 11/15/95... This one is weird because the "ouchie" which caused me to start writing this is in the process of heal- ing right now, and I am going crazy in the process. The strange thing is, this song doesn't really change all that much. It just kinda flows, which is what I've been doing for a while now. But like this song, that floating only lasts for so long. And then it's done with. Feel free to remix this into something longer if you like. I actually encourage it. I'm sick of patterns. I want a multitrack and some synthesizers. AAAGH! email
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