On the winds (on_the_winds.s3m)
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Trumpet.beedf#e Trumpet.dedBbgBb Trumpet.agcbege Trumpet.eBbaga (gliss) Trumpet.eBbage Trumpet.gabbab Trumpet.ededd TenorSax.ede TenorSax.ededd TenorSax.bg TenorSax.f# TenorSax.be TenorSax.d TenorSax.c TenorSax.dc TenorSax.cdbbca TenorSax.aabcddcdef#g TenorSax.ef#gabc#def#gab TenorSax.Bbag TenorSax.Bbage TenorSax.ega TenorSax.he (gliss) TenorSax.agegededbdbabagage gedbe - Breeze - of Core Image - and of late Capacala - a contribution - ASS'2K Horns played by me (a Weltklang tenor sax and a Bach trumpet), guitars played by Spay/Capacala (old samples, recorded in 1996). Playing time 2:31. 1 - 3 drumps 4 bass 5 - 8 synth 9 perc 10 guit 11 - 12 orgel/horns/guit 13 - 16 horns/echos ok, the comping guitars are ripped. tom sampled by me from a Technics SXEN-4, congas from a Roland SC-50 bla bla bla who gives a fuck anyway? the traditional closing . .
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