Blade Runner [Avatar ver] (blade_runner_avatar_ver.s3m)
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HiStrings.HiQual(Marcato) KettleDrum.5.Traditional Praxis HyperSpace Blast Praxis HyperSpace Swoosh Chimes Cyber KettleDrum.5.Traditional TeckBrass k1 ole! k1 ahh low BassGuitar monobass FutureLead OrcHit stringbazz HMW.Glock Haven't seen this in MOD (and family) format before, although I doubt this is the first time it has been done. HMW.Brass m1.east&west Swoosh TechnoBubble -=-=-= BLADE RUNNER =-=-=- Original muz by Vangelis Shake bY sILICON aVATAR, 1994 By the way, this particular version has nothing whatsoever to do with the movie. It was inspired purely by the tune itself. Contact us on America Online... write to SAMUZE or if you're on the internet. (Final touches made April 1995...It had been lying around on my hard drive so I finally decided to upload it)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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