The Aardvark song! (the_aardvark_song.s3m)
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Tekky gunk Snare Hi Hat open Synth 2 Dongy Bass Kickass Orc hit Synth Ah Beero Wave.Robotik BassDrum Ttom Closed Hihat Dit Beera Minor Chord BrassChord.Major Cymbal Guitar Weird Synth High String DeepString Orchestra Hit Honkish BrassChord.Sus4 Hihat Opened Snare Without Bassdrum Techno Note Closed Hihat LimpBassdrum Bass Blast Bop.Tek Piano DrumBeat DrumBeat 2 DrumBeat 3 Cheering Beree BassDrum+Hihat SnareDrum+Hihat ---- LlamaTekk ---- Narf Brother 1996 Composed for a Demo, but we never actually made on :) It was used as "competition dance" music in a school production called star crossed lover yay! London Ont. Canada!! YAy! Don't ask why it is calle aardvark :) Mail: jattard_execulink.c Website: BBS: (519)657-5473
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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