The Loneliest Part Of Me (the_loneliest_part_of_me.s3m)
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C Major I gotz G# Major dem ole F Major SaWsYnTh C Minor cHoRd F Minor bluez... A Minor :) DLMBass IV (Mysticism) Rezonatix (Space Debris) Choir (Space Debris) Piercing Tone(2ndRealityPM) Snare (Crying Pianos) Bass drum (No Name Needed) Shaker (Insideout) Short shake (Insideout) Plink Piano (StarShine) RevCymbal (AgainstTheClock) The Sound Of Silence. ;) ╦═════════════════════════╦ ║The Loneliest Part Of Me║ ╙──╖by Liam the lemming╓──╜ ─·─╟───────────────────╢─·─ ║S!P/Bass/moz[IC]art║ ╙───────────────────╜ I almost entered this tune in Asm95... I was still a virtual unknown back then, so it still wouldn't have qualified. Nepotism? At Asm95? God forbid... :( Anyway, TP5's been and gone now, and I didn't put this one in to compete on Eliot's advice (tnx Eliot!) but I was right... TP5 was ace... if only cos of the people there. The compos sucked, but the people were ace. And there really -was- a #trax banner there. Pity ior, Alpha and I had to actually create it -at- the party itself. :) Anyway. This tune is post- dedicated to my experiences at Asm95, cos with nobody to hang around with or talk to, it was the loneliest time of my life. I felt as though I was completely and utterly alone. Not an experience I care to repeat. But for the NAIDs, I'd have gone off demo parties completely by now. Enough of that, though. Time for the greets... :) Greets to S!P/Bass/moz cos I'm a member of all of 'em, all of the Straylight Productions team for being THE most talented musicians on/off the scene, #trax for being... well, #trax, basically... :) and all the scene musicians for keeping the tradition going! :) Special greets fly out to Khyron, Necrös, Siren, H0llywood, ReeBoK, Omega and all the other dudes at TP5! Werd to all of you! =) Oh yea... hi to my mates at uni too, cos... well, just because, really. :) See you at NAID, dudes! :) ________________ Liam the lemming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5 SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUX TP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5 SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUX TP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5 SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUXTP5SUX
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