Technophrenia (technophrenia.s3m)
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Alright! Release #2's out and I like this one! As I've been referring this one to, it's "Towtally Techno"! Yes, I misspelled that one on purpose... whatever. Okay, well, This one's got only a few sams but I think I did a good job with 'em! Had some probs with ST3 but I'm flyin' high now! On to the greets! As usual, big time greets go to the bOb meister for his patience and all his testing and feedback. Also a big YO goes to all the AToMIC members out there, and our two soon-to-be newbies! Also, thanx to T-Rex for making Jurassic SRiZ another official dist site and a possibility of joining CHRoNiC which is kewl! Okay, well, enough jabbering. Here's where you can listen to these releases first hand! D I S S I T E S: bObby's World (WHQ) 14.4 Modem Dedicated to helping new composers in the MOD scene (416)740-9071 The Sports Board 28.8 Zoom Modem 1000+ MODZ 1 GIG on-line (416)588-7815 FOR MORE DIS SITES, READ THE ATTACHED README FILE! A T o M I C
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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