slipping away (slipping_away.s3m)
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The Good StuffSummary
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(c)1996 transient of apathy [quiver] y4wn! another song finished in the middle of the night. exactly 2:40 am June 27th, 1996. this is my second attempt at the .s3m format, and i think it sounds pretty good. i'm just glad that i had tracked in .mod for 4 years before trying .s3m because now i know how to make the most of 4-tracks, when it came to 12 tracks. hehe, no problem <G> ... --------------------------- email: cmartin_lanleb.cerf.fred. org --------------------------- "nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vege- tarian diet" -albert einstein "put a baby in a crib with an apple and a rabbit, and if the baby eats the rabbit and plays with the apple, i'll buy you a new car" -?iforget? "The livestock population of the US today consumes enough grain and soybeans to feed over five times the entire human popul- ation of the country. We feed these animals over 80% of the corn we grow, and over 95% of the oats. By cycling grain through our diets, we end up with only 10% as many calories avaliable to feed human mouths as would be avail- able if we ate the grain directly." -Tim Robbins,(diet for a) author (new america) (ps- i'd recommend this book if your at all inter- ested in the vegan diet.) "Thousands of impeccably conducted modern research studies now reveal that the traditional assump- tions regarding our need for meats, dairy products, and eggs have been in error. In fact it is an excess of these very foods which had once been thought to be the found- ations of good eating habits, that is responsibl for the epidemics of heart disease, cancer, osteo- porosis, and many other diseases of our time." -same as above "A given acreage can feed 20 times as many people eating a pure vegetarian diet as it could people eating the standard american diet-style." -same as above " a child dies of starva- - tion every second. " "50% of men who are meat eaters die of heart attakz 4% of men who eat no ani- mal products die of heart attacks" (contact me for more info)
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