SPACEWALK (C) Tren, 1995 (spacewalk_c_tren_1995.s3m)
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Hi all my friends! I don't know what's so special on this piece of ****, but here it is. Spacewalk is my first song in ST3. I could say I used this song for testing Scream Tracker 3.21 I have to release this now 'cos a lot of people have got the copy... But be serious! Too many channels for nothing! ;) Some greets: Ped,Pavuk,Sayza,Destroyer, Ronyx,ProCop - 7 GODS mmbez Busy,Noro,Resoft,Duli,Fusty AND ALL MY FRIENDZ ON IRC! Skaven,Purple Motion,Zodiak Lizardking,Jugi and the other <00l musicians over the world! Special greeting to Jean-Michel JARRE ;) See ya on DemoBIT'96!!! ---Contact--- IRC: Tren E-Mail: Snail-Mail: Zsolt Trencsenyi Braniskova 3 04001 Kosice Slovakia
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