We GoT iT aLL - MM/TF (we_got_it_all.s3m)
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· ·─[ FaCeS oF DeaTH ]─· · THe FuRy & MeNTaL MaNiaC PReSeNT: · We GoT iT aLL!! · MM says: Woah this is a pretty good FoD release!!! And to think I started this just to show TF how ST3 sounds on my SB 16... I just put down a bassline and some rhythm and thought 'this sounds nice', so i asked TF to do something and he did some things and then i did a little bit and here it is... One of the best FoD releases yet... TF says: Well MM said most of da stuff there is 2 say, but it would b stupid to type MM says if only MM is saying something... So I guess I'm gonna have 2 say something 2... BTW, talking bout MM... Now hear this! there is another gr8 XM coming your way and it's called "PLeaSuReS" (and it rules too) So if ya haven't heard enough GOOD music (like this 1;) LEECH iT!! Well, C Y'all around... MM/TF-FOD · · ─[ GReeTZ To : ]─ · · DaRK MiND - THe RiVaL - STaNLeY - CoDe ReD - YaZZ - CyCLoNe - CaRLoS - TRaGoS - Mr iNCReDiBLe - DeMeNTaL Leo - HuRRiCaNe - DyNaMiX - BRaiNRaVe - SPLiNTeR - MaD MaX - 4-iCe - CaLiMeRo - THe SNoWMaN - VoiD - CMD - DeMeNTia send comments to... THERIVAL_XS4ALL.NL [#TRAX TheRival]
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