ArAbIaN ToOlBeNdErS RuLe! (arabian_toolbenders_rule.s3m)
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AbSoF&_#InGlUtEly I'M BeNdInG MoRe ToOlS NeVeR F&_#InG HeArD Of HiM WhAt ArE YoU F&_#InG DoInG? F&_#iNg DiNeR To FiX ThE RoTaTiOn Of ThIs Now what are you doing? WhAt DoEs It LoOk LiKe I'M F&_#InG DoInG? Britepno pat# LoTs Of F&_#InG ThInGs LiKe ScRaTcHiNg ThOsE HaRd To ReAcH PlAcEs. A ShOrT & SwEeT TuNe CoMpOsEd By MiChIeL VaN DeN BoS Dedicated to the HiLaRiOuS Arabian Toolbender in the Sam & Max Hit The Road CD! Thanx to Advanced Gravis 4 those great and small Piano samples. Although I wish that Screamtracker had a little less sophisticated instrument finetuner. So if you want to say that it sounds false, be that way! I really don't give a good fuck what your opinion is. Who are you anyway? Lasagna Dei Morti Viventi!! --------------------------- Marc De Graaf Danny Simons Michiel Schneider + Aanhang Peter De Bie Stephan Schipper (Niet snel, wel goed) Ralph Altmann (Wo ist 'Pulp Fiction') Helge Norvang (Well, You had Zombi 2!) Lutz Peters + ??? (For being so fast, NOT!) Harry Henk Poelma + Jendrik Dirk Jan Posche + Alex Lennart Sas + Skyhigh Soft. (Getting the job done?) Epic Megagames Inc. Advanced Gravis W!T/\N, FC, UF & Triton /--\--------------------- Now If you'll excuse me, I'm still trying to figure out how to get out of level 2 of Doom II. Jezus Christ. Disappointing game, though. Could have been a lot bet- ter. Maybe I'm just not far enough. Although my deepest greets to Mr. Quentin Tarantino for being the best script- writer on this fucking pla- net. Heaven forbid Tony Scott didn't direct Reser- voir Dogs and Pulp Fiction. Contact ad on the BBS of Skyhigh Software of which I do not have the number. OUT!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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