Jimmy's dead (jimmys_dead.s3m)
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The Good StuffSummary
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coMpoSed by neTron/reMal Finished 13.1 friday... (panNinG wOrks fiNe wiTH dmp or ipLay...) Composed For juHla'95 alL gUiTar saMples fRom gibSon les Paul deLuXe (oriGiNaL) mY marshall dOes not "support" headphones so I had to sample these samples through mic. (it wasn't very good one) sO anyWay... special thanks and greets goes to following people... maRko meLkO, arTo viMpari, praGer, mIkko viMparI. oRdInarY gReeTs: olTsu, aPeli, gNome, gRedOn raScaL, atTRacTiOn, pOrSas, peTer OakLanD, kOukKari's fAmiLy, viNyl, jUssI ruONa- Maa, cRosS, tUomaS sepPälä, mÖmmÖ, tUomAs pÄkkilä, jArMo anNnunen/Yk, and to all reMal members... (C) neTrOn -95 SUOMI FINLANDIA The islander slips into-- hiding and takes to his--- heels out of dark northland the murky house of Sara---- he whirled out of doors as- snow arrives as smoke in--- the yard to flee from bad- deeds...----------------- "Why man are you in the- sea fellow, among the--- billows?"---------------- Son of the luckless lands of the north...---------- ---------------
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